History of Inventor Fred Waghorn – His Credentials.

WebsiteHis Academics

In the shadow of Joe Lacey, Fred Waghorn worked for the Country’s  top plumbing and heating engineers;
Matthew Hall of London (Advanced Craft and Technology)
Drake Skull of Manchester
Newmans of Sheffield

Construction Examples:
Leeds University, York Hospital, Barnsley Hospital, Bradford and Bingley H/O, Sheffield City Council Housing Flats (Heating Systems), Blood Transfusion Laboratories (Chemical Waste) Museum Department (Historical Buildings), Grangemouth Oil Refinery (Scotland) and then a Company Start Up in Ireland.

Company Start Up  – Ireland
Fred had many unusual experiences throughout his career, none more than when assisting a company start up start up in Southern Ireland, south of the border in the latter half of 1970.
The days consisted of work, while the evenings were enjoyed in the local hotel bars with long debates about Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali. After closing time, everyone would drive to an old cottage set to the shore of the river Shannon, where they all sat round the large peat fire that glowed in the centre of the room.
It was on a night like this that Fred ventured out, being confronted by three Garda who bundled Fred into an unmarked car and set about interrogating him as it sped around the country lanes.
Unbeknownst Fred was comfortably living with the retired leader of the IRA and his wife, having Sunday lunch at his son in law’s house’ the IRA leader.
This was later known as the “Night of the Arms Raids”, organised by both British and Irish Governments to pick up all suspicious characters! Fred said nothing and carried on with his work, having an agreeable time and returned safely home at Christmas knowing his job was done.

Fred the Inventor
Fred Waghorn is a born inventor / designer. Like all inventors will tell you, inventing comes in a flash. It is the eureka moment that comes to the brain which suddenly proportions knowledge into reality at a most inconvenient time. Inventors are different in the way they think as they see things three dimensional, where others may only see them in two dimensions or even just one.
Good inventions fulfill a need. Very good inventions simply expose a need that you never knew you had.

Fred the Family Man
Fred married to Margaret Waghorn and had two lovely daughters; Vicky and Lesley who are intrinsic to Whitechapel Fireplaces that started trading in 1987 with their partners also. This is a very family orientated business residing locally in the area to their impressive Grade II listed building that has become an iconic fireplace and heating surrounds showroom. Her lays an in depth knowledge not usual to the your typical fireplace showrooms. Come visit one day and enjoy the atmosphere and scenery as well as purchase a fantastic fire.

What to Consider When Buying a Woodburning or Multi Fuel Stove.

We at Whitechapel Fireplaces pride ourselves on only supplying the highest quality fireplaces including multi fuel stoves with a variety of designs such as traditional styled and modern sleek designs. But the question we hear almost daily in our Grade II Listed showroom, is;
“What are the advantages of multifuel stoves?”
This blog post is aimed to answer this question.

Woodburning or Multi-fuel stoves can and do provide an attractive, warm and purposeful living room focal point, as well as potentially providing a cleaner, greener source of heat for your home. But which type of stove should you choose, how much are you likely to pay for a Woodburning or Multi Fuel stove and are they really as efficient and green as they are claimed to be?

Woodburning stoves are only suitable for burning wood, whereas Multi-Fuel stoves can also burn coal, peat and compost. They are fitted with a grate to collect the extra ash generated when burning coal. 

You can expect to pay in the region of £1500 for the fireplace plus fitting and few hundred more if you are going to connect this to your boiler and radiators.